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EMG Ideal electrode placement

Mikecon Cenit

Updated: Feb 15, 2019

I have research ideal electrode placement for the EMG sensors. After reading couple of scholar article I have found out the ideal placement for the electrodes base on their research.

The research covers the sensor site ideal placement of the electrodes based on normalized motor unit (MU) yield and thickness of the skin. Sensor sites ideal placement carries different motor unit (MU) yields throughout the surface of a muscle. These preferred sites are located between the tendinous and centre areas of the muscle. The signal to noise ratio of the detected EMG signal correlates to the MU yield. The signal to noise ratio was inversely related to the muscle fibres and thickness of the tissue between the sensor. Here is an image of the mapped area of the ideal location for the electrode base on the scholar research paper:


Author's Notes

“I will be using this mapped image as the ideal placement for the electrode. Based on the paper the circle marked with red X are the ideal placement, secondary placement are also shown if the ideal x mark doesn’t show good input for the system.”

Reference (Surface EMG Signal Decomposition. author Farah Zaheer, Serge H. Roy and Carlo J. De Luca called Preferred Sensor Sites)


Mikecon Cenit

I am BEng Mechatronics Student at Middlesex University. I will uploading blog, weekly review, research about my major project.

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